Nestled in the Kingdom of Fife are many delightful places that travelers can explore while on their journeys. It is the home of the Falkland Palace, St. Andrews University, St. Andrews Golf Course (the oldest golf course in the world) the Pillars of Hercules, and many stunning hiking trails, including the Kilgour-Arraty Crags found in an area originally known as the Lands of Kilgour. These locations are just a few of the hidden treasures that can be found in the Kingdom of Fife, places that uncover the rich history of Scotland and nearly take your breath away. I recently had the privilege of visiting the Kingdom of Fife during the beautiful Christmas season so, I hope you enjoy these beautiful picturesque views. Safe travels! Nadine Traveler
What a Beautiful Life in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland
Updated: Jan 7, 2023